Dominions 6 - Rise of the Pantokrator

by Illwinter Game Design

The Developer Says...

In Dominions 6 you take control of a powerful being that rules a nation and aspires to godhood. The type of Pretender Gods can vary from magically powerful arch mages to old dragons or an enormous tree. Dominions is a deep 4x turn based strategy game with a very large variety of spells and units.

Players Like...

❤ The Depth and Complexity of Gameplay

Players praise the game's immense depth and complexity, describing it as having a "steep learning curve" and a "Mariana Trench of strategy." The game offers an incredibly wide variety of over 100 nations, 4,000 units, 1,000 spells, and countless magic items, creating a deep and intricate strategic experience. The focus is squarely on military strategy and tactical combat, rather than civilian economy or technological development. Players must carefully manage and deploy their forces, while also leveraging the deep and varied magical system to gain advantage. The complexity arises from the sheer number of options and how they intertwine - positioning units, scripting their behaviors, researching spells, crafting magic items, and maneuvering diverse factions against each other.

❤ Emergent and Unpredictable Gameplay

Reviews highlight the unpredictable and emergent nature of the gameplay, with players encountering wild and bizarre situations. One reviewer mentions bats stealing the sun, while another transformed their high priests into dragons. This sense of the unexpected arises from the deep systems interacting in complex ways, forcing players to constantly adapt their strategies as the situation on the ground shifts, whether due to their opponent's actions, random events, or the unexpected consequences of their own plans.

❤ Simultaneous Turns and Multiplayer

The game's simultaneous turn-based structure is a key strength, allowing all players to make their moves at once and creating a more dynamic and responsive experience compared to traditional turn-based gameplay. The asynchronous nature of the turns makes it easier to coordinate games with friends, and the multiplayer experience is described as the true heart of the game, where players can engage in epic, long-running campaigns filled with intrigue, betrayal, and unexpected twists.

❤ Modding and Customization

The game's robust modding support and opportunities for customization are also praised. The developers provide extensive documentation, allowing players to create new nations, units, spells, and gameplay mechanics. This, combined with the game's already vast array of content, means that the potential for unique and creative experiences is nearly limitless, further enhancing the depth and replayability.

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