The Developer Says...

A top-down action roguelike about buying snakes, fighting them, selling their oil, and buying more snakes. Upgrade your weapons, get stronger snakes to fight, and chase down a high score with only ten days to live.

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❤ Core Gameplay Loop

The core gameplay loop revolves around carefully balancing risk and reward. Players buy various snake types, each with unique behaviors and attack patterns, and place them on their "snake farm" to fight against. Defeating these snakes allows players to harvest their valuable oil and teeth, which can then fund the purchase of even stronger snakes or upgrades for their farming equipment. However, buying too many powerful snakes can quickly overwhelm the player, leading to their demise. This dynamic encourages players to constantly evaluate their options and make strategic decisions to push their luck as far as possible without succumbing to their own hubris.

❤ Snake and Tool Variety

The game features 38 unique snake types, including 9 boss-level variants, ensuring no two runs feel exactly the same. Players can choose from a selection of farming tools, such as trowels, pitchforks, and hoses, each of which alters the player's positioning and movement in relation to the snakes, further diversifying the gameplay experience.

❤ Customization and Optimization

While the game may seem simple on the surface, its depth lies in the player's ability to customize and optimize their farming strategy. By carefully selecting which snakes to purchase, players can create unique builds that cater to their preferred playstyle, whether it's relying on high-risk, high-reward headshots with a pitchfork or taking a more defensive approach with a freezing hose. The game's 40 upgradable pieces of equipment across four themed game modes allow for a wide range of viable strategies, encouraging players to experiment and discover their own optimal combinations.

❤ Addictive Progression and Replay Value

The addictive progression system constantly rewards players with new upgrades, stronger snakes, and higher scores, creating a sense of tangible progress and accomplishment. The game's focus on score chasing and leaderboard competition further incentivizes players to refine their strategies and push their limits, leading to a highly replayable experience. Additionally, the game's relatively short run duration (10 in-game days) ensures that failed attempts do not feel as punishing, allowing players to quickly jump back in and try again.

❤ Thematic Presentation

The game's humorous and thematic presentation, including its dark comedy, surreal setting, and pixel art style, complement the core loop of buying, fighting, and harvesting snakes. Many players have drawn parallels to real-world farming and the inherent absurdity of the premise, further adding to the game's overall appeal.

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