Alex Jones: NWO Wars

by NWO Wars Team

The Developer Says...

Play the OFFICIAL Alex Jones video game! A classic arcade shooter in which you play as Alex Jones and save the world from the evil globalist plot to turn everyone into bug-eating pod-dwelling libtards! Stay tuned for future bonus levels and characters...

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Overview

Players take control of Alex Jones, the Infowars leader, as he battles against the globalist forces of the "New World Order" in this 2D side-scrolling shooter. The game features classic run-and-gun gameplay, where players must navigate through various environments while facing off against waves of enemies.

❤ Levels and Environments

The levels transport players to different settings inspired by real-world events, such as secret underground bases, globalist conferences, and mind control facilities. These environments are designed with intricate details, providing a visually engaging backdrop for the action.

❤ Enemy Types and Boss Battles

Players will encounter a variety of enemies, including lizard-like overlords, secret society leaders, and genetically modified creatures - all representing the perceived threats of the globalist organization. The game also features challenging boss fights, where players must face off against the elite henchmen of the "New World Order."

❤ Weapon and Ability Variety

To combat these foes, players can utilize a range of weapons and abilities. The game features dynamic voice lines from Alex Jones himself, adding flavor and character to the combat scenarios.

❤ Replayability and Difficulty

While the game can be completed relatively quickly, in around 30-45 minutes, it offers a level of challenge and replayability. Some players have reported enjoying the game's simple but satisfying gameplay loop, with one reviewer stating that it "didn't overstay its welcome."

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