Curse of Blood

by Duang Studio

The Developer Says...

This is a game about survival and betrayal. Ten explorers ventured to the corrupted land to prevent the arrival of the Blood Moon. The bad news is that there are werewolves and vampires mixed in.

Players Like...

❤ Asymmetric Faction-Based Gameplay

Players take on the roles of different factions - the Human camp, the Vampire Faction, and the Werewolf Faction. Each faction has unique victory conditions and gameplay mechanics, creating a dynamic and engaging experience. The core of the gameplay revolves around the factions competing to either purify the End Tower before the Blood Moon or prevent the humans from doing so.

❤ Faction-Specific Skills and Transformations

Members of the Vampire and Werewolf factions start with their own professional skills but can transform, losing their original skills and gaining more powerful faction-specific abilities. For example, Vampire Believers can transform and replace their professional skills with vampire faction skills, while Werewolf Followers can transform and gain werewolf faction skills. This transformation mechanic adds a layer of strategic depth as players must carefully manage when to transform and how to utilize their newfound powers.

❤ Resource Gathering and Crafting

Players gather various materials by opening boxes, killing monsters, or even plundering from other players. These materials, such as rare ores and magical ingredients, can be used to synthesize and craft more powerful props and items on the workbench. These crafted items can provide significant advantages in the ongoing conflict, such as enchanted weapons or protective talismans.

❤ Survival and Sanity Management

As the Blood Moon approaches, players' Sanity (SAN) values will gradually decrease, especially at night. If the SAN value drops below zero, players will start to lose blood. Players can restore their SAN by visiting churches or using torches, and certain skills can also be used to manage this mechanic. This survival and resource management element adds tension and complexity to the gameplay.

❤ Intense PvP Encounters

The game features intense player-versus-player (PvP) encounters, where players can choose to either cooperate with their faction members or betray and plunder from other players. This creates a sense of tension and uncertainty, as players must navigate the delicate balance between trust and self-preservation. The potential for betrayal adds an element of unpredictability and replayability, keeping players engaged and on their toes.

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