Etrom 20th Anniversary Edition

by AgeOfGames

The Developer Says...

A point & click action RPG set in a dark future. Explore sprawling cities, unravel mysteries, engage in epic battles, and navigate parallel dimensions. First released on a proprietary engine in 2003, you may encounter bugs!

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Overview

The game's developers, AgeOfGames, have crafted a unique and challenging action RPG that immerses players in a dark, futuristic world. The game features a proprietary control scheme that the developers describe as "revolutionary yet controversial" at the time of its original release in 2003. While the control system may take some getting used to, it offers a distinctive gameplay experience that sets this title apart from more mainstream action RPGs.

❤ Combat and Progression

Players will constantly struggle against hordes of enemies, ranging from humans to monsters and extradimensional beings. The developers promise "grueling, bloody, and constant" fights, requiring players to master a variety of combat techniques and abilities. As they progress, players can unlock and utilize spectacular Astral Powers, such as Meteor and Lightning Storm, which can turn the tide of battle. One of the key features is the ability to transform into different powerful forms, including a fearsome Demon, Draconian Guardian, or Abyssal Knight, depending on the choices made in-game. This adds an element of customization and strategy to the combat, as players must decide which form best suits the challenges they face. Players can also learn to pilot powerful war mechs, engaging in strategic battles against formidable adversaries. This mech combat provides a welcome change of pace from the standard close-quarters combat, offering a more tactical and ranged approach.

❤ Exploration and Progression

The game's world is vast and diverse, with over 70 huge environments to explore, totaling approximately 50 hours of gameplay. As players navigate through the settings, they'll uncover secrets and unravel the mysteries of ancient civilizations, encountering a wide range of demons, secret divinities, dragons, and intelligent entities. Progression is tied to the player's choices and actions, with seven possible endings that shape the fate of the parallel dimension. This branching narrative and choice-driven gameplay add to the game's replayability, as players can make different decisions to experience alternative paths and outcomes.

❤ Player Customization

The game offers a wealth of customization options, with over 500 types of weapons, armor, rings, magic amulets, and more for players to discover and equip. This deep inventory system allows players to tailor their loadout to suit their playstyle and the challenges they face. Additionally, the game features a first-person sniper mode, providing players with precise targeting and deadly accuracy, adding another layer of strategic depth to the combat.

❤ Technical Considerations

The developers acknowledge that the game, which was developed using a proprietary engine, frequently experiences bugs and system crashes, particularly on modern hardware and software configurations. They estimate that approximately 30% of PCs running Windows 10 and 11 may encounter major issues. Furthermore, the game cannot be saved until the first level is completed, which can take between 15 to 45 minutes, depending on the player's skill and level of interaction with enemies. This can be a frustrating aspect of the gameplay, requiring players to exercise caution and patience. Despite these technical limitations, many players have found the unique charm and depth of the game's world to be worth the effort, with the title boasting a 95% positive user review rate on Steam.

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