Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names

by Choice of Games

The Developer Says...

Save the living earth with Rage and spirit! Can your shattered werewolf pack defeat a Wyrm Spirit that manifests as a lie that you want to believe?

Players Like...

❤ Reactive, Branching Narrative

Players laud the game's highly reactive and branching narrative, which dynamically responds to their choices. One reviewer notes the narrative offers "mind-bending twists and turns," with over 1.6 million words of text encompassing a vast number of paths, character builds, and endings. Another player highlights how their actions create "rippling consequences" that reshape the experience, praising the game's "extreme reactivity."

❤ Character Customization and Progression

Reviewers extol the depth and flexibility of the character creation and development systems. Players can initially select their gender, werewolf tribe, and lunar auspice (moon sign), each granting unique abilities. As the story progresses, they can acquire specialized "Gifts" from spirits and evolve their character's stats, skills, and convictions - choices that meaningfully impact the narrative.

❤ Werewolf Lore and Mechanics

Existing World of Darkness fans appreciate the game's rich integration of Werewolf: The Apocalypse lore and mechanics, praising the authentic portrayal of werewolf culture, powers, and the ongoing struggle against the Wyrm. Even newcomers find the game provides a compelling introduction to the werewolf mythos through natural, contextual explanations.

❤ Immersive Atmosphere and Storytelling

Reviewers consistently highlight the high-quality writing and worldbuilding, which creates a deeply immersive atmosphere. One player describes the "cinematic, gripping" story, filled with "unexpected twists and turns," while another notes the text-based format allows for an "intimate, introspective" narrative that draws the player into the protagonist's experiences.

❤ Engaging Companion Characters

The game's cast of companion characters, whether fellow werewolves or human allies, is praised for their strong development. Reviewers emphasize how these personalities and relationships compel players to invest in the pack's dynamics and struggles.

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