
by Hadoque, Kepler Interactive

The Developer Says...

ULTROS is a psychedelic metroidvania where you wake up stranded on The Sarcophagus — a cosmic uterus holding an ancient, demonic being. Trapped in the loop of a black hole, you will have to explore The Sarcophagus and meet its inhabitants to understand the part you play...

Players Like...

❤ Anchoring the Player in a Time-Looping Metroidvania

The game puts a unique spin on the Metroidvania formula by introducing a time-looping mechanic. Rather than a traditional "start from scratch" roguelike structure, the game world and many of the player's upgrades persist between loops, encouraging a sense of progression and exploration.

❤ Cultivating a Living, Breathing Environment

Central to the gameplay is the ability to plant various seed types in designated soil patches. As these seeds grow over time, the resulting plants provide new pathways, platforms, and environmental interactions, allowing the player to access previously inaccessible areas. This "living network" of evolving vegetation becomes a core part of the game's puzzles and progression.

❤ Harnessing Nutrient-Fueled Customization

The game features a skill tree that grants access to combat abilities and movement options. However, these upgrades are not permanently retained - instead, the player must "hunt" specific enemy types to harvest the appropriate "nutrients" required to re-unlock their preferred skills between loops.

❤ Dynamic and Varied Combat Encounters

While not the primary focus, the combat in the game offers a decent level of depth and variety. Players must utilize a combination of basic attacks, directional strikes, and environmental interactions to defeat enemies effectively. Importantly, the game encourages the use of diverse attack patterns on each foe, as this yields better "nutrient" rewards to drive the player's skill progression.

❤ Rewarding Exploration and Environmental Puzzles

The game world is large and interconnected, filled with hidden secrets and optional paths to uncover. In addition to the plant-based traversal, the environment contains various interactive elements that require the player to experiment and think creatively to progress. These environmental puzzles often involve combining abilities in novel ways to bypass obstacles and access new areas.

❤ A Challenging but Fair Progression System

Despite the game's initial difficulty and the reset mechanic, most players report that the progression feels fair and rewarding. The time loops, while disorienting at first, become an integral part of the exploration and problem-solving, as the player learns the world and unlocks new abilities, revisiting previous areas with new tools to uncover additional secrets.

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