Eyes of War

by Good Mood Games

The Developer Says...

Eyes of War is a real-time strategy game set in the medieval era, offering both single-player and multiplayer experiences where you can control every unit in character mode. Build your castle, lead your army, and dominate the map. Eyes of War invites you to epic battles of the medieval era!

Players Like...

❤ Blending RTS and Action RPG Elements

The game seamlessly combines real-time strategy (RTS) and action role-playing game (RPG) mechanics, creating a unique medieval warfare experience. Players can effortlessly switch between the two gameplay modes - strategy mode and character mode - to command the overall war effort and engage in close-quarters combat.

❤ Commanding the War Effort in Strategy Mode

In the strategy mode, players build and develop their castle, manage resources, and command their army. This RTS-focused gameplay allows them to take a bird's-eye view of the battlefield and make high-level decisions about troop movement, resource allocation, and base construction.

❤ Immersing Oneself in Combat with Character Mode

The game's standout feature is the ability to transition into a third-person perspective (character mode) and directly control individual units. This action RPG-style gameplay puts players in the boots of their soldiers, enabling them to experience the battle up close and personally lead their troops into combat.

❤ Seamless Switching Between Modes

Players praise the smooth transition between the strategy mode and character mode, which allows them to alternate between commanding their armies and engaging in first-hand combat. This flexibility provides a unique and immersive gameplay experience.

❤ Skillful Unit Control and Combat

Players can take control of a variety of units, from archers and swordsmen to siege weapons like catapults. The direct control over individual units adds a new layer of strategy, as players can now influence the outcome of battles by skillfully maneuvering and attacking with their chosen unit.

❤ Multiplayer and Competitive Modes

The game supports online multiplayer, enabling players to compete against each other or team up in cooperative battles. Additionally, the dedicated Arena Mode allows players to showcase their combat prowess in one-on-one or team-based matches.

❤ Player Agency and Immersion

The ability to seamlessly switch between the strategic overview and the first-person combat perspective is a key aspect that players find engaging. This level of control and immersion in the game's world is often cited as a unique and captivating feature.

❤ Continuous Improvement and Updates

While the game is currently in Early Access, players appreciate the developer's dedication to improving and expanding the gameplay. Regular updates and a roadmap for future content have instilled confidence in the community, who eagerly anticipate the game's continued development and refinement.

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