by PuKo

The Developer Says...

PSX style horror game about a boy looking for his dog, kidnapped by an evil corporation that runs experiments with pets.

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❤ Gameplay Overview

In this horror game, players take on the role of a young boy searching for his kidnapped dog, Tomy. The gameplay primarily revolves around stealthy evasion, as players must avoid a dangerous humanoid dog creature named Ruben who hunts them throughout the environments.

❤ Stealth and Distraction Mechanics

The core gameplay loop centers around using stealth to evade Ruben. Players can hide in lockers or crouch behind objects to avoid being spotted. However, Ruben has exceptional hearing, so making loud noises can quickly give away the player's position. To temporarily distract Ruben, players can strategically throw Tomy's ball, luring him away and allowing for opportunities to sneak past or reach new areas. Reviewers praised these stealth mechanics as tense and engaging, requiring careful planning.

❤ Environmental Navigation

The game's environments, designed in a classic PSX style, consist of interconnected rooms and hallways that players must navigate. Reviewers noted that the constrained, claustrophobic layout of these spaces heightens the overall atmosphere of the experience. Players must familiarize themselves with the level design to plan effective routes and use the environment to their advantage when hiding from or evading Ruben.

❤ Replayability and Scoring System

The inclusion of a scoring system rewards players for completing objectives quickly and efficiently, encouraging replayability. Players can experiment with different strategies to optimize their runs and achieve higher scores. Unlocking a "HARDCORE" mode after earning a 4-star score further extends the game's longevity for more experienced players.

❤ Emergent Gameplay

Several reviewers highlighted the game's ability to create emergent gameplay moments through the dynamic interplay between the player, Ruben, and the environment. The unpredictable nature of Ruben's movements, combined with the various ways players can use the ball to distract or mislead him, lead to tense, unpredictable encounters that can unfold in unexpected ways.

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