by Indefatigable, Andre Elijah Immersive, New Blood Interactive

The Developer Says...

A retro FPS for the ages! Completely rebuilt from the ground up for VR! Once branded a HERETIC. Now YOU have been chosen as our champion! Reclaim our sacred weapons. Take back our ancient lands. If you can stand... AMID EVIL.

Players Like...

❤ Unique and Immersive Weapon Handling

Players praise the game's implementation of the weapons and how they handle in VR. Swinging the swords and axes to shoot out precise energy blasts, as well as the timing required to parry projectiles with the axe, creates a satisfying and visceral combat experience. Reviewers highlight how the momentum-based weapon controls and the ability to wield weapons in either hand contribute to the game's sense of physicality and presence in VR.

❤ Fast-Paced, Frenetic Action

Reviewers appreciate how the game's lightning-fast movement and intense, chaotic combat translate effectively to VR, evoking a thrilling and exhilarating gameplay loop. The ability to quickly strafe, dodge, and maneuver around enemies and obstacles is cited as a major highlight, drawing comparisons to seminal FPS titles like Quake and Doom.

❤ Diverse and Unique Weaponry

The game's arsenal of magical, otherworldly weapons is another major draw for players. Reviewers highlight the creativity and variety of the different tools at the player's disposal, from the Whisper's Edge sword that shoots energy waves to the Planet Launcher that can obliterate entire groups of enemies. The ability to overcharge these weapons by collecting the souls of fallen foes adds an additional level of depth and strategy to the combat.

❤ Impressive Level Design

Reviewers appreciate the sense of scale and monumentality conveyed by the game's expansive environments, which feel immersive and encourage exploration when experienced in VR. The levels are described as being filled with secrets and hidden paths to discover, rewarding attentive players.

❤ Accessibility Options

The game includes a robust suite of customization options, allowing players to tailor the experience to their needs and preferences. Reviewers highlight features like adjustable movement speeds, a variety of comfort settings, and the ability to toggle certain visual effects, all of which contribute to making the game more approachable for players with various VR comfort levels.

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