Cats Hidden in Italy

by Travellin Cats

The Developer Says...

Find and discover 100 cute cats hidden across Italy in this hand-drawn hidden object game. Can you find them all?

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❤ Gameplay Overview

Players must find 100 hidden cats across hand-drawn, Italian-themed backgrounds. The objective is to scour each detailed scene and click on any feline subjects discovered, adding them to the progression count.

❤ Hidden Cats and Exploration

The well-camouflaged cats are creatively integrated into the environments, providing a satisfying challenge for players to methodically search and uncover. The charming, immersive atmosphere encourages careful examination of the hand-drawn backgrounds.

❤ Interactive Elements

In addition to finding cats, players can discover "not-cats" to earn an achievement. Various Easter eggs and secrets are also hidden throughout the scenes, adding an extra layer of exploration and reward to the gameplay.

❤ Progression and Achievements

Uncovering cats unlocks corresponding achievements, providing a sense of accomplishment and encouraging completionism as players work to uncover all 100 cats and additional hidden secrets. Each new discovery feels meaningful.

❤ Relaxing Experience

The lack of time pressure or strict objectives allows players to take their time and leisurely explore the scenes at their own pace. Soothing background music and charming visuals contribute to a calming, enjoyable gameplay experience.

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