Battle Grid

by Barking Dogs, Electronic Sheep Games

The Developer Says...

Face relentless alien hordes, collect their resources and assemble an unstoppable squadron of mechs! In this Action Roguelite, discover game-breaking synergies, mix and match weapons and units, unlock upgrades, harvest and conquer alien planets.

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Mechanics

The core gameplay revolves around assembling a squad of individual mechs, each equipped with unique weapons and abilities. Players must strategically position these mechs on a grid-based battlefield to engage relentless waves of alien enemies for 20 minutes. The gameplay blends elements of auto-battlers and roguelites, with a strong emphasis on discovering and exploiting powerful synergies between mech types and equipment.

❤ Team Building and Customization

At the start of each run, players hand-pick a squad of mechs, leveling them up and unlocking upgrades by finding duplicate units. The real depth comes from mixing and matching these mechs and their weapons to create game-breaking synergies. For example, equipping enough assault rifle-focused mechs can boost the fire rate of all guns, while a squad of lifesteal-oriented units grants healing to the entire team. This customization system encourages experimentation and rewards players for discovering optimal mech and weapon combinations.

❤ Survival and Risk/Reward

Navigating the grid-based battlefield requires careful positioning and resource management. Players must balance clearing enemies, collecting resources, and avoiding damage. The game features "nests" that, when destroyed, provide valuable bonuses but also summon powerful enemies. Deciding when and how to engage these nests is a crucial risk/reward consideration that can make or break a run.

❤ Progression and Replayability

Each run, whether successful or not, grants permanent upgrades that carry over to future attempts. These upgrades, ranging from improved movement speed to new mech classes, steadily empower the player's squad and open up new strategic options. Additionally, players can optionally increase the difficulty for greater challenges and rewards, further extending the game's replayability.

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