Right and Down and Dice

by mc2games

The Developer Says...

Explore randomly generated card dungeons where you can only move Right and Down, use Dice to defeat mighty enemies, gather powerful artifacts, and learn new abilities! Will you be able to escape from the dungeon?

Players Like...

❤ The Captivating Dungeon Exploration

Players praise the game's unique approach to dungeon exploration, where they can only move right or down on the randomly generated card-based dungeon. This limitation forces players to carefully plan their path, adding an intriguing strategic layer to the experience. The unpredictable nature of the dungeons ensures that each playthrough feels fresh and engaging, keeping players on their toes.

❤ The Satisfying Dice-Based Combat

The core gameplay revolves around using dice to combat enemies, and this mechanic is widely acclaimed as the highlight of the experience. On each turn, players must decide how to best utilize their dice, activating skills and attacking foes. This dice placement puzzle provides a deeply satisfying challenge as players optimize their moves to overcome their opponents.

❤ Diverse Playable Characters

The game features 6 unlockable characters, each with unique starting artifacts, skills, and abilities. Players appreciate the varied playstyles and strategic decisions that come with choosing different characters, as each one offers a distinct approach to the game's challenges. This character diversity, combined with the randomized dungeon layouts, helps prevent the gameplay from becoming repetitive.

❤ Engaging Progression and Unlockables

As players progress through the game, they can unlock a variety of artifacts, dungeons, and additional difficulty levels. This sense of progression and discovery keeps players engaged, as they strive to unlock new content and challenges. The ability to customize their runs by choosing different characters and unlocking new abilities further enhances the replayability of the experience.

❤ Balanced Difficulty and Challenge

While some players have noted the game's brutal difficulty, especially at the start of a run, others appreciate the sense of challenge and the need to optimize their strategies. The game's balancing is praised, as players feel a sense of accomplishment when they overcome the challenges and find effective ways to mitigate the RNG element of the dice rolls.

❤ Potential Quality of Life Improvements

Some players have highlighted the need for additional quality of life features, such as the ability to sort or rearrange dice, an undo button, and a save/statistics feature. These suggestions indicate that the game could benefit from further refinement and improvement to enhance the overall player experience.

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