Penny Larceny: Gig Economy Supervillain

by Fiction Factory Games

The Developer Says...

A comic book adventure of freelance supervillainy, petting cats, and/or destroying capitalism in which your choices determine success in a series of daring heists and capers.

Players Like...

❤ Episodic Heist Structure

The game breaks up each playthrough into a series of individual "heist" missions. In each heist, players must navigate through several stages: casing the target, planning the operation, and then executing the final crime. The game actively scores the player's performance on each heist, encouraging replays to optimize their approach and earn higher ratings.

❤ Branching Narrative with Meaningful Choices

One of the game's key strengths is its highly branching narrative structure. Players can choose to work for one of multiple possible bosses, each with their own distinct storylines and capers to undertake. Moreover, within each heist, players face a variety of choices that significantly impact how the events unfold. This grants the game substantial replayability, as players experience radically different outcomes based on their decisions.

❤ Immersive First-Person Perspective and Accessibility

The game adopts a first-person perspective, allowing the player's choices to directly influence the protagonist's internal monologue and reactions. This creates a sense of direct involvement in the character's experiences. Additionally, the game offers a range of accessibility options, including text-to-speech support and OpenDyslexia font settings, making it more inclusive for players with visual impairments.

❤ Coordinating with a Cybernetic Cat Companion

A standout gameplay mechanic is the integration of the player's feline companion, Gibson, into the heist operations. Gibson is a cybernetically enhanced cat who can hack into security systems and provide assistance during the execution of each caper. Coordinating Gibson's hacking abilities with the protagonist's on-the-ground actions adds an extra layer of strategy and interactivity to the heist sequences.

❤ Accessible Difficulty with Lack of Fail States

The game's design decision to eliminate fail states ensures that the experience remains accessible and enjoyable. Players will always succeed in completing each heist, even if their performance is less than optimal. While the scoring system provides incentive for replayability and optimization, it does not act as a barrier to progression, allowing the focus to remain on the narrative and character development aspects.

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