by Black Anchor, Webzen

The Developer Says...

A challenging turn-based tactical RPG that transports you into a medieval apocalyptic infestation. Your survivors are fragile, and every step you take could be your last.

Players Like...

❤ Tactical Combat Focused on Battlefield Control

Players must carefully control the battlefield, utilizing a diverse arsenal of 14+ historical weapons and tools. Each weapon has unique skills that can strategically manipulate enemy movement and positioning. Players can push, pull, or use barricades to dictate the flow of combat, while also leveraging factors like enemy sight and noise to trigger battles on their terms.

❤ Fragile Survivors and Unforgiving Difficulty

The game presents an extremely challenging and punishing combat experience. Players control a fragile squad of just three survivors, where even a few enemy hits can be devastating. Failure often results in having to restart missions from the beginning as players learn the optimal strategies. This high-stakes, meticulous planning creates an intense and stressful tactical puzzle.

❤ Dynamic Enemy Behavior

Enemies actively pursue and attack the player's survivors, even when it is not their turn. This "chase" mechanic adds unpredictability, as enemies will spot and react to the player's movements, swarming and overwhelming them if they're not cautious.

❤ Weapon Durability and Resource Management

Weapons have limited uses before breaking, forcing players to carefully manage their equipment. Combined with the scarcity of resources for repairing and upgrading, this creates an additional strategic layer as players balance immediate combat needs with long-term sustainability.

❤ Hideout and Survivor Management

Between missions, players can retreat to a hideout to cook food that heals and buffs their survivors. They can also interact with the blacksmith to craft, repair, and upgrade their equipment. Effectively managing these limited resources and caring for their survivors is essential to the overall gameplay loop.

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