No Sun To Worship

by Antonio Freyre, Merlino Games

The Developer Says...

A short, minimalist stealth-action game about the importance of art. We painted the sky ashen gray. Burned the heavens to starve each other. Now we walk an endless cemetery of regret.

Players Like...

❤ Stealthy Traversal and Risk-Reward Mechanics

Players must carefully navigate through dimly-lit, sprawling levels, avoiding detection by enemy guards. A visibility meter and sound meter compel players to strategically move through the shadows, taking out lights to create cover and sneaking up behind guards to silently take them down. One unique mechanic allows players to sacrifice their own health to momentarily silence their footsteps, adding a risk-reward dynamic as they balance their resources against the need for stealthy traversal.

❤ Measured Combat Options

While direct confrontation is discouraged, the game does provide players with a silenced pistol and a louder assault rifle to deal with threats. Reviewers noted that the gunplay, while functional, is not the primary focus - the experience shines when players successfully execute stealthy takedowns and navigate levels without alerting the enemy.

❤ Replayable Level Design and Challenges

The six levels offer multiple paths and approaches for players to discover, providing a sense of openness within the stealth-focused gameplay. The challenge ramps up significantly on the hard difficulty, which removes objective markers and makes the enemy AI more aggressive. This, combined with the game's focus on speedrunning and time-based high scores, adds substantial replayability as players seek to master the levels through repeated attempts.

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