Cobalt Core

by Rocket Rat Games, Brace Yourself Games

The Developer Says...

A sci-fi roguelike deckbuilder with a deep new single-axis spin on tactics games! Dodge missiles, line up your cannons, and blast 'em out of the sky... Then get to the bottom of these time loops, before it's too late!

Players Like...

❤ Masterful Single-Axis Combat

The combat system sets this game apart, ditching the traditional grid-based battlefield for a single-axis approach. Players must carefully maneuver their ship left and right to dodge incoming attacks and line up their own shots. This focus on positioning adds a layer of tactical depth, as players must anticipate enemy movement and coordinate their ship's actions accordingly.

❤ Synergistic Deckbuilding with Diverse Crew

Each run allows players to assemble a crew of three characters, each with a unique deck of cards. For example, one character may specialize in shield-focused abilities, while another excels at high-mobility maneuvers and card draw. Discovering complementary crew combinations and building a cohesive deck around their strengths is crucial to success.

❤ Manipulating the Battlefield

In addition to piloting their ship, players can leverage various objects and abilities to shift the tactical landscape. Cards may allow them to reposition drones, create obstacles, or even alter the movement patterns of enemy ships. Mastering these battlefield control mechanics is essential for outmaneuvering opponents.

❤ Adjustable Challenge and Progression

The game offers multiple difficulty settings, catering to players of all skill levels. As users progress, unlocking new characters, ships, and story content, the challenge scales accordingly. This ensures a sense of steady progression and accomplishment, even for veteran deckbuilding enthusiasts.

❤ Compelling Narrative and Characters

Beneath the tactical gameplay lies a captivating narrative, with the crew's time-looping predicament unfolding through successful runs. The witty, endearing dialogue between characters adds personality and depth, keeping players invested in the story beyond just the gameplay challenges.

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