Prison Life 2

by AO Games

The Developer Says...

Play as a Prisoner or a Guard with up to 12 players(or alone) in an online prison game. Loot, Craft, and make your way to the exit, or investigate and arrest wanted players as a guard!

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❤ Gameplay Overview

The game allows players to choose between the roles of prisoner or guard in an online, first-person multiplayer environment. The core gameplay loop centers around prisoners working to escape the prison, while guards aim to maintain order and apprehend any wanted prisoners.

❤ Prisoner Gameplay

As a prisoner, your primary objective is to successfully escape the prison through a variety of means. You can dig underground tunnels, locate hidden vents, use explosives to break out, or hijack vehicles like helicopters, jet skis, and spaceships to make your getaway. To aid your escape, the game features a robust crafting system that enables you to create a wide range of items, from makeshift weapons to lockpicking tools. However, you must carefully navigate the prison, avoiding detection by guards and gathering the necessary resources and tools.

❤ Guard Gameplay

In the role of a guard, your responsibility is to maintain order and security within the prison. You have access to a variety of equipment and tools, such as tasers, batons, traps, and remote cameras, which you can use to detect and apprehend any suspicious or wanted prisoners. Your duties involve closely monitoring the prison, searching for contraband, and responding to any attempted escapes. Additionally, you can earn money by completing various guard-specific tasks, which you can then use to purchase better gear and equipment to aid in your duties.

❤ Interaction and Deception

The game's social and deceptive elements are a key aspect of the gameplay. Players can choose to collaborate with each other, either as prisoners working together to escape or guards cooperating to stop a breakout. However, there is also an element of deception, as players can pretend to be something they are not, such as a guard secretly working with prisoners or a prisoner posing as a guard to gain access to restricted areas. The game's proximity voice chat feature adds an extra layer of tension and social interaction to the gameplay.

❤ Customization and Progression

The game offers a robust customization system, allowing you to personalize your character's appearance and unlock new skins and items as you progress. Additionally, the game features an advanced leveling system, where you can earn rewards for advancing your level, as well as daily missions that provide additional incentives and resources.

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