Another Farm Roguelike

by Zabbo Games

The Developer Says...

Another Farm Roguelike is a 2D farming & crafting game with rougelike elements where your job is to earn as much money as possible to pay the rent. Start from scratch and build the most profitable farm you can make as soon as possible. Work hard to be able to afford the rent.

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❤ Farming and Resource Management

You manage a small plot of land, using tools like the hoe, axe, and pickaxe to clear land, chop down trees, and mine ores. These raw materials then fuel the construction of various buildings - furnaces to smelt ores, beehives to produce honey, and animal pens to raise livestock. The limited space and regenerating nature of resources force you to carefully plan how to most efficiently use your land.

❤ Randomized Events and Modifiers

Each day brings a random buff or debuff that affects your production, while each week starts with a random modifier impacting the entire week. These can range from increased resource yields to buildings malfunctioning. Dealing with these unpredictable challenges requires you to constantly adapt your strategies. The randomness adds replayability, as no two runs are the same. You must learn to recognize beneficial modifiers and plan accordingly, while also developing contingencies for detrimental effects.

❤ Progression and Upgrades

At the start of each week, you choose one of three random upgrades. These can provide powerful one-time boosts or ongoing benefits, such as increased crop yields or reduced tool wear. Selecting the right upgrade is crucial, as it can significantly impact your short-term performance and long-term strategy. You can also unlock new playable characters, each with their own unique starting bonuses and playstyles. This further diversifies the experience and encourages experimentation with different approaches to earning profits and managing the farm.

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