Gabenwood: 99 Hidden Bucks

by KuKo

The Developer Says...

This is a hidden objects puzzle game what will test your wit and attentivnes. Save the Universe from destruction! Go to the Gabenwoods and find 99 bucks transferred there by some evil guy from our world.

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay and Mechanics

The game's hidden object puzzle mechanic, where players must meticulously scan each scene to locate all 99 hidden dollar signs, provides a satisfying sense of discovery and accomplishment. Players noted that most of the dollar signs are fairly easy to find, but a few are particularly well-hidden, keeping the challenge engaging.
The game's simple, intuitive control scheme using only the mouse allows for a relaxing, stress-free experience, suitable for players of all ages.
The inclusion of achievements for finding each individual dollar sign gives players tangible goals to work towards, adding an extra layer of motivation and replayability.

❤ Story and Themes

The game's comical premise of saving the universe by retrieving lost dollars, described by one player as a "ode to the Lord and Ruler of Steam" (a reference to Valve co-founder Gabe Newell), is a clever and humorous spin on the hidden object genre.
The game's alternate history setting in the "Gabenwoods" is a lighthearted nod to Valve's influential role in the PC gaming industry, which players found entertaining.

❤ Overall Experience

The game's short, 30-minute playtime makes it a perfect fit for quick gaming sessions, with one player noting they were able to complete the game in a single sitting.
Despite the game's simplicity, players found it to be a worthwhile purchase, with one reviewer stating it was "worth the £0.22" price tag.

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