Tiny Tactics

by Tiny Forge Gaming

The Developer Says...

Tiny Tactics is a Tower Defense game with a heavy focus on mazing, with mechanics inspired by the Auto Chess genre.

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❤ Construct Mazes and Combine Synergistic Towers

The game challenges you to construct intricate mazes out of various tower units, each with unique traits and abilities. Carefully placing these towers allows you to maximize the time enemies spend within their range, as they navigate the paths you've designed.

❤ Leverage Tower Synergies

Each tower possesses distinct traits, such as "Mage", "Knight", or "Razor". The more towers you have that share a particular trait, the stronger the bonuses associated with that trait become. This encourages you to thoughtfully consider tower compositions, experimenting with different synergistic combinations to overcome each level's challenges.

❤ Adapt to Random Tower Selections

Every round, the game presents you with a randomized selection of towers you can purchase to add to your maze. This element of randomness, combined with the ability to re-roll the shop selection, introduces an auto-battler style of customization and deck-building. You must adapt your strategies based on the towers available to you in each round.

❤ Progress and Unlock New Capabilities

As you advance through the campaign, you unlock new towers, abilities, and upgrades that can be applied to your arsenal. This meta-progression system rewards repeated playthroughs and experimentation with different tower compositions and strategies.

❤ Overcome Escalating Difficulty

The difficulty ramps up significantly as you progress, with later levels presenting much more challenging enemy compositions. To succeed, you must employ sophisticated mazing techniques and leverage intricate tower synergies, appealing to tower defense enthusiasts who enjoy the thrill of overcoming increasingly formidable obstacles.

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