We. The Refugees: Ticket to Europe

by Act Zero

The Developer Says...

‘We. The Refugees: Ticket to Europe’ is a socially engaged, text-based RPG about a journalist looking for his big break by uncovering the plights of refugees travelling from Africa to Europe. It is a story inspired by true events.

Players Like...

❤ Branching Narrative and Replayability

The developers have crafted a complex, multi-layered script comprising nearly 2 million characters, the equivalent of 3-4 novels. Your choices and their consequences split the plot into parallel paths, allowing you to encounter new characters and discover unique storylines during subsequent playthroughs. The developers claim you can experience up to 3 completely distinct playthroughs, uncovering hundreds of dialogue choices and achievements along the way.

❤ Immersive Perspective

Rather than adopting a typical outsider's view, the game deliberately subverts the cliché of "a white male's journey to an exoticized world." You'll assume the role of a frustrated writer from Warsaw who decides to embed himself with refugees, gathering material for a book. This perspective forces you to confront your own preconceptions and biases as you delve deeper into the lives and experiences of the refugees.

❤ Authenticity and Factuality

The narrative draws inspiration from true events. To ensure authenticity, the developers visited the Moria refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesvos, conducting interviews with refugees and volunteers. They also had the script reviewed by experts from relevant NGOs, guaranteeing an accurate portrayal of the refugee crisis.

❤ Compelling Storytelling and Meaningful Choices

Reviewers have praised the exceptional writing, drawing comparisons to the literary quality of titles like "Disco Elysium." The richly woven story presents you with choices that have a tangible impact, challenging you to navigate moral dilemmas and confront your own preconceptions. You'll engage with a diverse cast of characters, each with their own unique backgrounds and perspectives.

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