
by bcat112a

The Developer Says...

Puzzle game about squishing blocks together.

Players Like...

❤ Unique and Innovative Mechanics

The game takes the classic Sokoban puzzle formula and injects it with a fresh and inventive "squishing" mechanic. Players praise how the developers push this core mechanic to its limits, leading to increasingly complex and unexpected puzzle solutions that feel both clever and rewarding.

❤ Depth and Complexity

Beneath the game's simple premise and programmer art lies a remarkably deep and intricate puzzle experience. Reviewers highlight specific puzzles that exhibit "unbelievably clever and well-thought out" designs, featuring some of the "most innovative mechanics" they've encountered in a block-pushing game. The puzzles constantly subvert expectations, with each new twist on the core mechanics leaving players delightfully perplexed.

❤ Difficulty and Challenge

One of the game's defining traits is its punishing level of difficulty, surpassing even renowned puzzle titles like Baba Is You and Stephen's Sausage Roll. Players warn that the puzzles are "MUCH harder" than these comparable offerings, often feeling "too difficult in what [they] think are the 'wrong' places." However, many see this extreme challenge as a feature, likening the experience to the "Souls Game of Puzzle Games" and reveling in the satisfying "aha moments" when solutions are finally uncovered.

❤ Encouragement of Experimentation and Problem-Solving

Despite the game's demanding nature, reviewers praise how it encourages active experimentation and problem-solving. Progressing through the puzzles becomes a "constant cycle of 'what the fuck is this?', 'oh, now I understand... yeah that technically following the established rules, I GUESS.', and back to 'what the fuck is this NOW?'" Players cannot simply brute-force their way through, but must deeply engage with the game's mechanics and logic to succeed.

❤ Memorable and Impactful Puzzles

The game's exceptional puzzle design has left a lasting impression on many players. Reviewers recount specific challenges that have kept them up at night, unable to rest until they solved the problem. This ability to stick with players long after completing the game is a testament to the quality and memorability of the puzzles.

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