by FRENCH-BREAD, Arc System Works

The Developer Says...

The newest riveting installment in the epic Under Night In-Birth saga rises from the Abyss! Improved visuals and battle system! Witness the curtain fall on the tale of the Hollow Night. Vie for supremacy through exhilarating combat and a deep, robust battle system!

Players Like...

❤ Gameplay Depth and Complexity

The game utilizes a "Reverse Beat" mechanic, which allows players to cancel their normals backwards in a string, creating dynamic, freeform combos. Additionally, each character has multiple variations of their special moves, tied to different input motions, further expanding the combo potential and options. The Grind Grid (GRD) system governs offensive and defensive options, adding layers of strategy and decision-making during matches.

❤ Diverse and Unique Character Roster

The 24 playable fighters (with 3 more on the way as DLC) offer a wide variety of distinct playstyles and approaches. Each character has their own unique moves, properties, and game plans, ensuring there is likely a fighter that will appeal to all types of players. Even the "weaker" characters have enough depth and tools to be viable at high levels of play.

❤ High Skill Ceiling and Combo Depth

The game has simplified inputs that allow new players to perform flashy attacks, but the true depth comes from mastering the mechanics and optimizing lengthy, stylish combos. The robust training mode and combo trials provide players the resources to learn and improve their technical skills over time.

❤ Balanced and Well-Designed Gameplay

The addition of new mechanics like Creeping Edge and Celestial Vortal, as well as updates to existing systems, open up new strategic options without disrupting the core fighting game experience. The game strikes a careful balance between accessibility and depth, catering to both new and experienced players.

❤ Responsive and Engaging Online Experience

With the implementation of rollback netcode, players report a smooth, responsive online experience, even with opponents across long distances. The ability to quickly jump into Casual Matches or climb the ranked ladder provides ample opportunities for engaging PvP battles. Reviewers who initially struggled with the game's online functionality at launch praise the developers for their quick fixes and ongoing support.

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