
by Xekvera

The Developer Says...

Voidborn is a fast-paced roguelite FPS that combines skill-based action and swift movement with roguelite level progression and character customization. Rip apart demons with devastating weapon builds and reach as far as possible before you inevitably perish and become reborn stronger than ever.

Players Like...

❤ Fluid and Satisfying Movement

Players praise the game's fluid and satisfying movement system, which offers a variety of abilities like dashing, sliding, wall-jumping, and wall-running. One reviewer highlights the ability to slide in any direction as a unique mechanic that adds depth to the movement. They describe the overall feel as "smooth" and "immaculate," striking the right balance between speed and control.

❤ Impactful and Skill-Based Gunplay

The game's weapons, such as the revolver, rifle, and shotgun, offer a "powerful" and "satisfying" shooting experience. Players can charge and unleash special attacks with certain weapons, like the revolver's charged shot, which adds an engaging skill-based element to the combat. Reviewers praise the "crunchy" and "punchy" feel of the guns, with one player noting that landing headshots with the upgraded revolver is "pure dopamine straight to the brain." The parrying system, while challenging, allows players to deflect enemy attacks in a "incredibly dopamine releasing" manner for those who master the mechanic.

❤ Rewarding Progression and Customization

The game's roguelite structure, with its focus on permanent progression and character/weapon customization, provides a satisfying sense of advancement and encourages experimentation with different playstyles. Reviewers highlight the "weapon aspects" as an interesting depth to the customization system. The "trials" system, which allows players to increase the difficulty and intensity of the experience, adds replayability and a sense of challenge for more experienced players.

❤ Immersive Atmosphere and Design

Reviewers consistently praise the game's atmospheric presentation and level design. The "gorgeous" and "PS2-era Dark Souls" aesthetic, combined with the "banging" soundtrack, create a compelling and immersive dark fantasy setting. The level design, particularly in the later areas, is highlighted for its sense of exploration and discovery, with players often stumbling upon hidden paths and secrets.

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