Chasm: The Rift

by Action Forms, General Arcade, SNEG

The Developer Says...

Prepare for terror in this ground-breaking classic old-school FPS. Following the destruction of Time you are left to battle in this horrific hellhole of multilevel interconnected missions populated by gruesome grotesque creatures.

Players Like...

❤ Dismemberment Mechanics

The game features an advanced dismemberment system that allows players to shoot off limbs from enemy creatures. Blasting off an arm or leg can disable or even fully incapacitate foes, adding a visceral satisfaction to combat. Reviewers praise this innovative 1997 mechanic as a standout feature that changes the flow of battles.

❤ Weapon Variety and Uniqueness

The game provides a varied arsenal, including some distinctive and unconventional weapon choices beyond standard firearms. The iconic "BladeGun" in particular stands out as a unique and fun-to-use tool, expanding players' strategic options in combat.

❤ Challenging, Atmospheric Combat

While the core shooting feels solid, the game presents a challenging and punishing experience. Reviewers describe an oppressive, unsettling atmosphere, with enemy placements and environmental hazards leading to cheap or unfair deaths. However, many players find this difficulty to be part of the game's appeal, creating a tense, survival-horror feel.

❤ Verticality Limitations

Unlike contemporaneous FPS titles that emphasized complex, multi-layered level design, this game sticks to more linear, corridor-based environments with limited verticality. Reviewers see this as a tradeoff, with the experience focusing more on atmosphere and detailed environmental interaction rather than open-ended, freeform movement.

❤ Boss Battles as Puzzles

The game's boss encounters are more akin to environmental puzzles than simple damage sponges. Reviewers praise the unique mechanics and strategies required to defeat the boss creatures, creating a more varied and cerebral challenge beyond just raw firepower.

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