Nancy Drew®: Alibi in Ashes

by HeR Interactive

The Developer Says...

Escape the Smoky Intrigue of a Hometown Inferno!

Players Like...

❤ Unique Character Switching

Players can switch between playing as the teenage detective Nancy Drew and her friends Bess, George, and Ned. Reviewers widely praised this mechanic, finding it a refreshing and unique addition to the traditional gameplay. Players can interact with suspects differently depending on the character, allowing them to experience the mystery from multiple perspectives. However, some reviewers noted the process of switching between characters feels tedious. To change characters, players must go through Nancy each time to call the next one, adding an extra step that disrupts the flow of gameplay for some.

❤ Investigative Approach Resonates

Rather than emphasizing puzzle-solving, the game puts a stronger focus on investigation and interrogation of suspects. Players must gather evidence, obtain alibis, and piece together clues to clear Nancy's name. Many reviewers appreciated this investigative approach, finding it adds a more realistic detective flavor to the gameplay. That said, several reviewers commented the puzzles are relatively easy compared to other titles in the series. While this accessibility may appeal to newcomers, veteran players may find the challenge level a bit lacking.

❤ Exploring Nancy's Hometown

A key part of the gameplay involves freely exploring Nancy's hometown of River Heights. Players can visit landmarks like the Drew family home and the local ice cream parlor, providing a more personal and grounded experience compared to the globetrotting adventures of other games. Reviewers generally praised this setting, finding it a refreshing change of pace. The ability to freely navigate River Heights was considered a positive, though some felt the back-and-forth traversal between locations could become tedious.

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