Withering Rooms

by Moonless Formless, Perp Games

The Developer Says...

Withering Rooms is a challenging 2.5D horror RPG set in a procedurally generated Victorian mansion that changes each night. Explore Mostyn House to collect the perfect items for your build and face a huge cast of overgrown undead, invisible ghosts, devious witches, and more.

Players Like...

❤ Exploration Encourages Discovery

Players must thoroughly explore the procedurally generated Mostyn House, a Victorian mansion whose layout changes each night. Hidden secrets await in every nook and cranny, from secret passageways to treasure-filled attics to the Byzantine Labyrinth beneath the estate. The non-linear level design compels players to leave no stone unturned as they uncover this ever-shifting manor and its surrounding grounds.

❤ Diverse Toolkit Enables Customization

The game's deep RPG-like progression system allows players to customize their character, equipping a wide variety of weapons, armor, spells, and trinkets. This encourages experimentation, as players can find the playstyle that works best for them - whether that's a stealthy magic-user, a heavily-armored melee fighter, or a ranged combatant leveraging traps and explosives. While the combat requires timing and strategy to overcome the diverse enemy types, it is not as fast-paced as a "Souls-like" game.

❤ Engaging Risk/Reward Gameplay Loop

When players die, they respawn at the start of the night, but can permanently retain certain items, stats, and abilities through an offering ritual. This creates a compelling risk/reward dynamic, as players must decide which resources to keep for future runs versus which to spend to increase their immediate power. As players make progress and unlock new upgrades, the game's difficulty curve ramps up in a satisfying way, allowing them to take on increasingly greater challenges.

❤ Immersive Narrative and Worldbuilding

The game's deep, engrossing narrative is full of mystery and occult themes. Players uncover the game's lore and backstory through notes, dialogue, and environmental storytelling as they explore the mansion. The unique setting, blending Victorian, Lovecraftian, and folk horror elements, is expertly crafted and contributes greatly to the overall sense of dread and isolation. Reviewers have consistently praised the quality of the writing and the game's ability to draw players into its unsettling world.

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