
by Befun Studio, Spiral Up Games

The Developer Says...

Affogato is a RPG featuring a unique 'reverse tower defense' mechanic. Play as a sorceress managing a café in Arorua. Meet customers from all walks of life, hear their stories and travel into their minds to help them defeat their inner demons. Experience a city life that exudes magic and excitement.

Players Like...

❤ Reverse Tower Defense Mechanics Shine

The game features a unique "reverse tower defense" mechanic that sets it apart from traditional tower defense games. Instead of building towers to defend against waves of enemies, players spawn and manage individual units on the battlefield. This inverse approach requires strategic placement and management of these units to overcome the challenges posed by the enemy forces. Players must carefully consider the strengths and weaknesses of each unit type, as well as their positioning, to ensure their team's survival.

❤ Tactical Deployment and Management Demand Skill

The reverse tower defense gameplay demands careful planning and execution from players. Each unit has its own set of abilities and limitations, and players must deploy them in a way that complements each other's strengths. Proper unit placement and order of deployment are crucial, as enemies can target specific units and disrupt the player's strategy. Managing the limited number of units and their movement on the battlefield is a core aspect of the gameplay, requiring players to constantly adapt and make tactical decisions to overcome each challenge.

❤ Card-Based System Adds Depth

To aid in their reverse tower defense battles, players have access to a deck of tarot cards that provide various abilities and buffs. These cards can be strategically placed on the battlefield to enhance their units or hinder the enemies. The card system adds an extra layer of depth to the gameplay, as players must carefully choose which cards to use and where to place them to maximize their effectiveness. Experimenting with different card combinations and placements is essential for success, as certain card interactions can lead to powerful synergies.

❤ Difficulty Curve a Mixed Bag

The reverse tower defense gameplay is generally praised, but some players have noted issues with the difficulty balancing. While the early levels provide a fair challenge, the difficulty can spike dramatically in later stages, requiring near-perfect execution and card placement. This difficulty curve has been a point of discussion, with some players finding the later encounters overly punishing, while others appreciate the increased strategic depth and sense of accomplishment in overcoming these challenges.

❤ Seamless Fusion of Gameplay Elements

The game's blend of reverse tower defense, coffee-making, and visual novel elements creates a unique and engaging gameplay experience. The integration of these disparate elements is generally well-received, with players appreciating the game's ability to seamlessly transition between the different gameplay modes. The reverse tower defense battles provide a strategic and challenging core, while the coffee-making and character interactions offer a more relaxed and immersive experience, resulting in a well-rounded and diverse gameplay loop.

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