Dice Tribes: Ambitions

by Sprouting Potato

The Developer Says...

A dice-based worker placement game. Manage the randomness and complete your ambition to win.

Players Like...

❤ Customizable Dice Workforce

Players can specialize their villager dice, modifying the faces to better suit different jobs. For example, turning a worker into a "Builder" die with faces of 3, 4, 4, 4, and 5 makes them highly effective at construction tasks. This customization allows players to mitigate the inherent randomness of rolling standard 1-6 dice.

❤ Balancing Limited Resources

The game challenges players to carefully manage scarce resources like food, building materials, and research. Players must optimize the placement of their dice across farms, quarries, and other buildings to produce the necessary supplies. Tough choices arise as players decide how to best allocate their limited workforce.

❤ Varied Victory Paths

The game features diverse win conditions, called "Ambitions," that significantly alter the optimal strategy. One Ambition may require amassing a powerful military, while another focuses on archaeological discoveries. Adapting to these different objectives keeps the gameplay fresh and encourages experimentation with new approaches.

❤ Overcoming Random Obstacles

While dice rolls introduce an element of unpredictability, the game provides tools to counteract unfavorable results. Rerolling dice, leveraging specialized workers, and other mitigating mechanics allow players to work around the randomness and find creative solutions to challenges.

❤ Progression and Customization

As players progress, they unlock new tribes, buildings, and technologies, expanding the strategic depth. An "Ascension" system introduces increasingly difficult variations, providing a sense of mastery and replayability. The ability to customize game setups further enhances the experience, catering to players' preferences.

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