One day, our hero is headed home from Akihabara when he's mistaken for a molester. The person accusing him is his childhood friend, Fuyuka Akiyoshi. "If you want me to forgive you, then become my butler!" Recently reunited, these two end up in an unusual relationship as their story begins again...
The narrative follows the unusual relationship between the protagonist and his childhood friend, Fuyuka Akiyoshi. After a misunderstanding where the protagonist is mistaken for a molester, Fuyuka forces him to become her butler in order to forgive him. This sets up an intriguing premise that explores the dynamics between the two characters as their story unfolds. Players praise the well-coordinated and fluid storytelling that keeps them engaged throughout the experience.
Reviewers highlight how easy it is to get attached to Fuyuka, with her tsundere personality and complex feelings being a major highlight. The relationship between the protagonist and Fuyuka is central to the game's appeal, as their unusual dynamic and gradual character development are integral to the narrative.
While the game is primarily a visual novel, the gameplay aspects seem to be well-received. The inclusion of a CG gallery mode allows players to revisit and enjoy the beautiful artwork. Additionally, the fully-voiced dialogue, except for the protagonist, adds to the immersive experience. Some reviews mention that the R18 content feels well-integrated into the overall story, rather than being a separate element.
Players consistently praise the game's production values. The artwork, including the CGs, is described as being of a high-quality level. The background music (BGM) is also highlighted as being an enjoyable and well-suited accompaniment to the narrative. However, a minor drawback is the inability to take screenshots.
The game's length is noted to be relatively short, with most players completing it within 4-5 hours, depending on their reading speed. Some reviews mention that the inclusion of an R18 patch adds additional content and scenes, extending the overall playtime. Despite the short length, many players express a desire for more content from the developer, indicating that the narrative and characters are compelling enough to warrant further exploration.
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