Mage and Monsters

by Lasse Zacho Malver

The Developer Says...

Create an army and use spells while it fights for you. Mage & Monsters is an active auto battler, where you must choose wisely between upgrading the might of your army, or increasing the power of your spells.

Players Like...

❤ Balancing Army Might and Spell Power

Players must strategically balance upgrading their army's might and increasing the power of their spells. Each level presents waves of progressively stronger enemies that players must defeat using a combination of their units and spells. Between waves, players can spend their earned currency to unlock new units, upgrade existing ones, or enhance their spell abilities. This creates a satisfying cycle of building up one's forces, testing them in battle, and then reinvesting resources to become even stronger.

❤ Diverse Unit and Spell Selection

The game features a diverse roster of 25 distinct units and 11 unique spells, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, and synergies. Players must carefully consider factors like unit type (melee, ranged, summoned), special abilities, and spell interactions to construct an effective combat force. This strategic unit and spell selection is crucial to overcoming the game's increasing difficulty.

❤ Meaningful Progression and Customization

As players progress, they earn a currency called Blood Shards that can be spent on permanent upgrades and unlocks. These include new mage heroes with unique starting spells and bonuses, as well as general enhancements to one's units and spells. This meta-progression system allows players to gradually build up their capabilities and alter their playstyle over multiple runs, leading to a satisfying sense of advancement.

❤ Emergent Tactics and Decision-Making

While the core gameplay is relatively simple, the game presents many opportunities for emergent tactics and strategic decision-making. Players must carefully time the use of their spells, position their units to maximize effectiveness, and choose which upgrades to prioritize in order to overcome the escalating challenge. This depth of gameplay, combined with the randomized wave compositions, encourages players to experiment and develop personalized strategies.

❤ Replayability and Endgame Challenge

The game features two main maps, each with 30 normal levels followed by a 5-level endgame challenge. Additionally, the game's endless mode offers an opportunity for players to test the limits of their builds and compete for high scores. The randomized enemy waves, variety of unit and spell combinations, and increasing difficulty levels provide a good degree of replayability.

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