Room 301 NO.6

by Inter Frame Studio, Gamera Games

The Developer Says...

—Look at the world around you, and see that left long forgotten. Room 301 is a narrative game portraying the lived experience of those with Alzheimer's. Progress through similar puzzles time and again. Each day, you must sort through your belongings to see your past: your slowly fading memories

Players Like...

❤ Immersive Split-Screen Navigation

Players navigate a maze on the left side of the screen using the WASD keys, while simultaneously examining the protagonist's belongings and environment on the right side by clicking with the mouse. This split-perspective design creates an immersive and challenging experience, as players must constantly shift their focus between the two halves of the screen to progress.

❤ Progressive Cognitive Decline

The game is structured as a series of days, with each day requiring players to sort through the protagonist's belongings and find four key items that hold significance in her life. As the days progress, the visual distortion and cognitive impairment increase, making it more challenging to locate and remember the important items. Players can find and use "Pill Bottles" to temporarily counter the effects of the disease and expand their field of view.

❤ Narrative Integration

The gameplay mechanics seamlessly integrate with the game's narrative, as players are tasked with reliving the protagonist's memories and experiencing the gradual deterioration of her cognitive abilities. The need to repeatedly navigate similar mazes and sort through the same set of belongings mirrors the repetitive nature of Alzheimer's, creating a poignant and emotional experience for the player.

❤ Emotional Impact

Many players have praised the game's ability to evoke a genuine sense of the Alzheimer's experience. Several reviews highlight the game's emotional impact, with players expressing that it helped them better understand the struggles faced by those living with the disease.

❤ Minimalist Approach and Challenges

The game's minimalist approach to storytelling and lack of hand-holding have been noted as contributing to the immersive and reflective nature of the experience. However, some players have found the game to be challenging and confusing, especially in the early stages, due to the gradual increase in cognitive impairment. Others have praised the game for its authenticity, arguing that the challenges mirror the real-life struggles of Alzheimer's patients.

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