Pro Strategy Football 2023

by Kerry Batts, Pro Strategy Games

The Developer Says...

NOT THE LATEST VERSION - Be sure to also look for Pro Strategy Football 2024!

Players Like...

❤ Realistic Football Simulation

Players praise the game's accurate simulation of American football gameplay. The engine faithfully reflects the results of players' strategic decisions, whether they choose to manually call plays or simulate games. Users note the statistics and outcomes feel highly realistic, with victories and losses earned rather than the product of "cheating" AI. The developer has continually improved the simulation's realism and depth over the years based on player feedback.

❤ Depth of Playcalling and Strategy

One standout feature is the depth of control players have over playcalling and on-field strategy. Rather than selecting from pre-designed plays, players can construct their own plays by choosing formations, personnel, and individual routes. This allows for a high degree of strategic flexibility and creativity. Users praise this as a key element that distinguishes the game from more arcade-style football titles.

❤ Customization and Sandbox Gameplay

The game offers players a high level of customization and sandbox-style gameplay. Users can create their own fictional leagues and teams, edit player and team attributes, and even customize elements like field goal post placement and game rules. The robust modding community further enhances this flexibility, enabling players to download historical teams, leagues, and more. This customization, combined with the simulation depth, allows players to construct and manage their own unique football universes.

❤ Presentation and Accessibility

While the 2D, pixel-art visual style may not appeal to all, many users praise the presentation as fitting the game's retro-inspired sensibilities. The inclusion of multiple audio commentary options and adjustable audio sliders is also noted as a positive. Importantly, the game offers both casual and advanced modes, catering to diverse player preferences and skill levels.

❤ Responsive Developer Support

A consistent theme in user reviews is praise for the developer's commitment to supporting and improving the game based on community feedback. Users highlight how the developer regularly implements new features and fixes based on player suggestions, demonstrating a level of responsiveness and dedication that is appreciated.

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