Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore

by Seedy Eye Software, Limited Run Games

The Developer Says...

A NEW interactive animated adventure! In this action-adventure game, Arzette must explore the Kingdom of Faramore, slay fearsome foes, acquire powerful items, discover secrets, assist colorful characters, and defeat the evil Daimur!

Players Like...

❤ Tight, Responsive Controls

Players praise the game's tight, responsive controls as a significant improvement over the infamously clunky controls of the original Zelda CD-i games. Reviewers note the platforming and combat feel "smooth" and "satisfying", with one player stating the controls and movement are "intentionally arbitrary" in a way that pays homage to the originals without the frustration.

❤ Metroidvania-Style Exploration and Progression

The game features a Metroidvania-style structure, allowing players to backtrack and explore previous areas after acquiring new abilities and items. Reviewers highlight this as a particular strength, with one noting the "light Metroidvania elements" that open up new paths as players gain power-ups. However, some felt the backtracking could be "tedious" at times.

❤ Varied Abilities and Items

As players progress, they can collect a variety of upgrades and abilities, such as a sword, bombs, rope, and "blue magic." Reviews praise the sense of progression as new tools unlock, adding depth to the gameplay and opening up new traversal and combat options. However, a few noted that some items, like the rope, felt underutilized.

❤ Challenging Yet Rewarding Gameplay

While the game is described as overall accessible, reviewers highlight the challenging moments, particularly in boss battles that require specific strategies to overcome. One player notes the difficulty of defeating the "Cornrad on Hero boss rush no items" as a "cheating fucker" that gets them "every time." This challenge is seen as rewarding, with one player stating the game "feels unstoppable" after fully upgrading the protagonist.

❤ Homage to CD-i Zelda's Unique Quirks

Reviewers appreciate how the game pays tribute to the quirks and peculiarities of the original Zelda CD-i games. This includes enemy and item interactions that feel "intentionally sloppy," as well as boss battles that can be easily defeated with the right strategy, mirroring the original games. These elements are seen as charming nods to the source material rather than frustrations.

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