I Wani Hug that Gator!

by Cavemanon

The Developer Says...

I Wani Hug that Gator! Is a choice-driven narrative about teenagers struggling to find their way. Help Inco, loser highschooler extraordinaire, navigate his budding friendships (and romance!) while surviving being the only human in a dinosaur-filled school.

Players Like...

❤ Narrative-Driven Gameplay

The gameplay primarily involves progressing the story by making dialogue choices that impact the relationships and outcomes for the protagonist, Inco, and the other characters. These choices are key to determining which of the four unique endings players will experience.

❤ Branching Storylines and Multiple Endings

Players' dialogue choices throughout the story will lead Inco down different paths, resulting in significantly different experiences and conclusions. Reviewers praised the emotional impact and meaningful consequences of these choices, noting that even the more tragic endings are well-written and impactful.

❤ Relationship Mechanics

A large focus of the gameplay is on developing Inco's relationships with the other characters, particularly his budding romance with the wheelchair-bound Baryonyx girl, Olivia. Players' dialogue options during interactions shape these relationships in meaningful ways, leading to varying levels of intimacy, understanding, and potential conflict.

❤ Visual Novel Presentation

The game follows the classic visual novel format, with the story progressing through static background scenes and character portrait animations accompanied by dialogue text. However, reviewers noted that the developers elevate this format with well-executed animated sequences and visual flourishes that bring the world and characters to life in an engaging way.

❤ Music and Sound Design

Reviewers widely praised the game's soundtrack, feeling the emotive music complemented the narrative's highs and lows effectively. The sound design and voice acting were also highlighted as strong elements that contributed to the game's immersive and polished presentation.

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