GHOSTWARE: Arena of the Dead

by Daev Team, Mothership Loudspeakerz

The Developer Says...

An unique blend of retro-fps, metroidvania and adventure. Escape the cyber afterlife you've been trapped into, hop between realities and shoot your way out with the help of your new allies. But are they really your friends? The Arena conspiracy goes deeper than you could possibly imagine...

Players Like...

❤ Retro-Inspired Arena Combat

Players battle against AI opponents in classic arena shooter modes like Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, and Domination. Reviewers praised the responsive and satisfying gunplay, highlighting the grenade launcher as a particularly enjoyable weapon. The fluid movement mechanics, including rocket jumping and slide-hopping, capture the skill-based traversal of 1990s arena shooters.

❤ Metroidvania-Style Exploration

After each arena match, players can revisit the levels in a more open-ended, exploration-focused mode. This shift in tone is dramatic, as the once-lively arenas now appear eerie and abandoned. Reviewers highlighted how this atmospheric change, combined with the ability to uncover hidden URLs leading to in-universe websites, creates a compelling blend of action and mystery. The URLs provide additional lore and backstory, rewarding players who thoroughly search the levels.

❤ Unique Ability System

As players progress, they unlock supernatural abilities that can be used in both the arena matches and exploratory sections. Reviewers noted that these abilities, such as self-healing and "pocket sand," add an extra layer of strategy to the combat while also providing new ways to interact with the environment during the exploration phases.

❤ Blending of Genres

Reviewers appreciated how the game blends the traditional arena shooter gameplay with more narrative-driven elements, avoiding strict adherence to the conventions of either genre. The juxtaposition of frantic arena battles and slower-paced exploration sequences was highlighted as a strength, creating a sense of disorientation that ties into the game's overarching themes and mystery.

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