Just Go

by Studio Amateur

The Developer Says...

You will experience from absolute Novice to Top Go player, and show your talents in major Go leagues! The game also includes notable Go matches in history for you to explore. The full-dubbing tutorial for beginners will let you appreciate the charm of Go!

Players Like...

❤ Tutorials and Puzzles

The game's full-dubbing tutorials effectively teach newcomers the fundamentals of go, from the basic rules to rudimentary strategies. Reviewers consistently praise the clarity and effectiveness of these tutorials in providing a solid foundation for understanding the game. Beyond the tutorials, the game offers an expansive library of go puzzles (known as "tsumego"), covering a wide range of difficulty levels and gameplay concepts, such as life and death, capturing races, and vital points. These puzzles allow players to systematically improve their skills and deepen their understanding of the game.

❤ AI Opponents

The game's AI opponents span a wide range of difficulty levels, from "Newcomer" to advanced settings, catering to players of all skill levels. Reviewers note that the AI provides a challenging and engaging experience, with some suggesting that the lower-level AI could be slightly overestimated in terms of strength. However, the gradual difficulty progression allows players to steadily improve their skills as they progress through the game.

❤ Career Mode

One of the game's standout features is its comprehensive Career Mode, which allows players to experience the journey of becoming a top go player. This mode features a fictionalized professional league system, where players compete against AI opponents of varying strengths and unlock new gameplay perks and abilities as they progress. Reviewers appreciate the sense of progression and accomplishment this mode provides, as well as the opportunity to learn from and explore historical go matches.

❤ Online Play and Integration

The game seamlessly integrates with the Online Go Server (OGS), enabling players to easily connect and compete against other go enthusiasts online. Reviewers highlight the smooth integration and the ability to review and analyze games, both their own and those of professional players, as a valuable feature for improving one's gameplay.

❤ Visuals and Presentation

Reviewers consistently describe the game's visual presentation as "stunning" and "breathtaking," with 4K visuals and various 3D board environments. The calming music and overall aesthetic contribute to a relaxing and immersive go playing experience.

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