Get Achievements for Achievements

by Dnovel

The Developer Says...

The main goal of this game is to get achievements.

Players Like...

❤ Unique Premise and Gameplay Loop

The game presents players with a unique premise - the sole objective is to earn achievements, without any deeper gameplay required. The core loop involves clicking to unlock achievements, accompanied by a narrative experience. Throughout the game, players engage in a dialogue with a narrator, making choices that influence the conversation.

❤ Subversive Exploration of Achievement Hunting

Many reviewers note that the game offers a meta-commentary on the phenomenon of "trophy hunting" in video games, frequently questioning the player's motivations for wanting to earn achievements. This self-awareness and willingness to examine the psychology behind achievement-seeking is a standout element.

❤ Entertaining Dialogue and Storytelling

Reviewers consistently highlight the quality of the game's writing and dialogue, describing the text-based exchanges as "ingenious" and "entertaining." The narrative successfully captivates players through this conversational format, even without relying on complex gameplay.

❤ Accessibility and Brevity

The game's brevity is viewed positively, with many players able to complete it in under an hour. This accessibility and concise duration allow for a relaxing experience that does not overstay its welcome.

❤ Unique Aesthetic and Presentation

While the game's pixelated, psychedelic visual style is not universally praised, some reviewers appreciate the artistic direction and feel it complements the game's offbeat nature. The music is also noted as being pleasant and complementary to the overall experience.

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