Telepath Tactics Liberated

by Sinister Design,

The Developer Says...

An SRPG fan's SRPG! Imagine Fire Emblem with destructible battlefields; the ability to place traps; the ability to shove enemies off cliffs, into lava, or into each other; and a built-in campaign creator.

Players Like...

❤ Manipulate the Battlefield to Your Advantage

Players can dynamically shape the battlefields in numerous ways, tapping into the game's highly interactive environments. Destroy walls and bridges, freeze rivers, and cut down trees to force enemies into your desired chokepoints or push them off cliffs and into hazards. This allows for a high degree of tactical flexibility, as players creatively mold the terrain to their strategic advantage.

❤ Synergistic Abilities, Not Randomness

The combat system emphasizes positioning and ability synergies over randomness. Attacks and skills generally have 100% hit rates, shifting the focus away from relying on chance and toward clever maneuvering and combo execution. Players must carefully consider the strengths, weaknesses, and unique abilities of their diverse cast of characters to overcome challenges.

❤ Weaponize the Environment

In addition to the interactive terrain, the game grants players a wide array of destructive abilities. Characters can push, pull, and shove enemies directly into environmental hazards like lava, water, and chasms. Players can also set up traps and explosives to catch foes off guard. Leveraging the battlefield itself adds an extra tactical layer, as players must consider not just unit positioning, but how to best utilize the environment.

❤ Deep Customization and Replayability

The robust class system offers over 150 distinct skills, allowing for extensive character customization. As units level up, they can choose from nearly 50 prestige classes, further specializing their roles and abilities. This, combined with the malleable environments, encourages experimentation and the development of unique strategies. The game also provides multiple difficulty options, a randomized campaign mode, and a powerful campaign editor for fresh challenges and player-created content.

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