

The Developer Says...

Go to the 11th floor of a building that doesn't have an 11th floor.

Players Like...

❤ Encouraging Exploration and Non-Linear Progression

Players praise the game's freedom to explore the building in any order they choose. They can freely navigate the various floors and rooms, uncovering the eerie histories and stories of the past inhabitants. This non-linear approach empowers players to actively search for their path forward, rather than following a predetermined sequence. Reviewers highlight specific examples, such as the ability to find keys scattered throughout the environment, which allows them to continue their adventure without getting stuck.

❤ Challenging Puzzle-Solving and Combat

As players explore the building, they must "fight their way through rooms full of ghosts" to reach the elusive 11th floor. Reviewers mention specific obstacles, such as the difficulty in defeating the "lip guy on floor 9," which requires players to adapt their strategies and problem-solve. However, the game's difficulty is not overly punishing, as players do not lose progress upon death and can freely backtrack to previously unlocked areas.

❤ Immersive Atmospheric Experience

Reviewers consistently praise the game's ability to create a strong, unsettling atmosphere. The "vintage" visual style, described as "almost black and white," and the haunting soundscape contribute to a profoundly immersive experience. Players express feeling genuinely "creeped out" and "disturbed" by the game's psychological horror elements, which draw comparisons to the beloved Silent Hill series and its focus on the "deep trauma of a fragile and disturbed mind" over gratuitous gore.

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