
by Thunderful Development, Thunderful Publishing

The Developer Says...

Surf the waters of a submerged city! Unravel the past, save the islanders from mysterious sea monsters and discover secrets hidden under the surface.

Players Like...

❤ Traversal and Movement

The ability to surf across the water at exhilarating speeds, with a focus on maintaining momentum and momentum-based traversal. Players can quickly build up speed and then use that momentum to leap great distances or perform aerial tricks.
The mechanic of being able to run and walk directly on the water's surface, defying gravity and allowing for unique navigation options.
The smooth, responsive controls that make it easy to precisely control Sigrid's movements, allowing players to seamlessly transition between sprinting, jumping, and grappling.

❤ Exploration

The open-ended, interconnected archipelago design that encourages players to freely explore and discover new islands, buildings, and secrets.
The use of verticality, with players able to scale towering structures and navigate between rooftops, opening up new pathways and vantage points.
The inclusion of a detailed map and journal system that helps players keep track of their progress and learn more about the game's lore and characters.

❤ Story and Characters

The heartfelt narrative that explores themes of environmental devastation, loss, and the importance of community and family, with a focus on the relationship between Sigrid and her grandmother.
The diverse cast of memorable characters, each with their own distinct personalities and backstories, that players can interact with and learn more about.
The environmental themes that are woven throughout the story, providing a meaningful context for the player's actions and encouraging reflection on real-world issues.

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