Orten Was The Case

by Woodhill Interactive

The Developer Says...

Orten Was The Case - A free movement puzzle/adventure game where you play as a youngster stuck in a time loop with the simple task of saving the world from literal destruction.

Players Like...

❤ Mastering the Time Loop

The core of the gameplay revolves around a time loop mechanic, where the protagonist, Ziggy, wakes up each day in the same location, with the world reset. However, players retain knowledge and clues from previous loops, allowing them to progress the story and solve puzzles over multiple iterations. This creates a compelling sense of progression, as players must actively piece together information and leverage their accumulated knowledge to advance.

❤ Uncovering Orten's Secrets

The game world of Orten is richly detailed, inviting players to thoroughly explore the suburb and uncover hidden secrets. Careful observation yields rewards, as players can unlock new narrative paths, discover shortcuts, and solve puzzles by paying close attention to their surroundings and trying different actions. The level of environmental storytelling and visual flair captivates players, fueling their desire to explore every nook and cranny.

❤ Challenging Puzzles and Lateral Thinking

The game's puzzles require a diverse skillset, challenging players to think creatively and employ lateral thinking. Many of these puzzles are intricately woven into the time loop mechanic, where timing and the application of previously acquired knowledge are crucial to finding solutions. Whether it's deciphering clues, manipulating the environment, or connecting disparate pieces of information, the puzzles strike a satisfying balance between challenge and progression.

❤ Nonlinear Narrative Paths

The game's narrative and progression are designed to be nonlinear, allowing players to approach objectives in different ways and discover the story at their own pace. This encourages experimentation and replayability, as players can uncover new paths and endings based on their choices and actions within the time loop.

❤ Immersive Storytelling and Atmosphere

The game's storytelling and atmospheric qualities are consistently praised. The fictional suburb of Orten is brought to life through a distinct visual style and a cast of eccentric, memorable characters. The overall tone blends mystery, dark humor, and a touch of the surreal, creating an immersive and engaging experience that captivates players throughout their journey.

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