A new legacy begins...
Players choose from three distinct character classes - a human archer, a dwarven warrior, and an elven sorceress - each offering unique abilities and playstyles. The game features an isometric, top-down perspective and real-time, hack-and-slash combat that requires careful positioning and timing of attacks.
The core gameplay revolves around exploring dungeons, battling monsters, and collecting loot and experience points. The combat system emphasizes responsive controls and a variety of enemy types, encouraging players to experiment with different tactics and strategies. Blocking, dodging, and using the environment are all important skills to master. As players progress, they can customize their character's stats and abilities, unlocking new melee and ranged attacks, as well as special abilities.
The game's local cooperative multiplayer mode allows a second player to join at any time, adding a new layer of strategy as players coordinate their abilities and movements to overcome challenges. The ability to revive downed teammates or share resources further enhances the cooperative experience.
The game's levels are filled with secrets and hidden paths, encouraging thorough exploration. The loot system offers a satisfying progression, with players constantly upgrading their gear and discovering more powerful items.
The game features multiple difficulty settings, including an "Extreme" mode known for its punishing challenge, which requires players to employ their full mastery of the game's mechanics to succeed. The ability to import characters between playthroughs and the inclusion of a secret playable character further enhance the game's replayability.