En Garde!

by Fireplace Games, Kepler Ghost

The Developer Says...

En Garde! – the swashbuckler action game! Battle graceless guards and nefarious noblemen in fast-paced fights full of spectacle. Use the environment, your wit and your blade to teach them all a lesson!

Players Like...

❤ Fluid and Satisfying Fencing

The core gameplay revolves around a Sekiro-like fencing combat system. Players can perform a variety of sword-based attacks, including parries, ripostes, and lunges. The combat emphasizes precise timing and reading enemy attack patterns. However, the game puts a unique spin on this formula by encouraging players to use the environment to their advantage.

❤ Acrobatic Playground

While swordplay is important, the game also rewards players for their creativity and adaptability. The levels are designed as "playgrounds" full of interactive objects and environmental hazards. Players can kick barrels, chandeliers, and other objects at enemies to stagger, stun, or knock them back. They can also use acrobatic maneuvers like flips and dodges to outmaneuver foes and gain the upper hand.

❤ Crowd Control Challenges

One key challenge is dealing with groups of enemies at once. The game frequently pits players against waves of guards and henchmen, requiring careful battlefield management. Utilizing the environment, luring enemies into traps, and singling out targets become crucial skills. While the combat can be challenging, especially against elite enemies, the game encourages experimentation and creative solutions.

❤ Panache-Fueled Special Moves

To help overcome these obstacles, the game features a "Panache Meter" that fills up as players perform stylish moves and combos. When the meter is full, players can unleash special abilities, such as launching enemies into the air or triggering environmental traps. Managing this meter and timing the use of these powerful skills is an essential part of the gameplay loop.

❤ Replayable Arena Challenges

Beyond the main campaign, the game offers an Arena Mode that challenges players with increasingly difficult and randomized combat scenarios. This mode introduces game-changing modifiers that further test players' adaptability and mastery of the combat system. The combination of the core gameplay, environmental interactions, and the Arena Mode's replayability provides a significant amount of depth and longevity.

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