News Tower

by Sparrow Night, Twin Sails Interactive

The Developer Says...

Develop your newspaper and become New York’s new media mogul! In this tycoon, build and manage your newspaper from printer to toilet. Create your editorial line and lead your journalists through unique 1930's stories and dig out the latest scoops!

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❤ Manage Your Newspaper Empire

As the player, you take control of a struggling newspaper in 1930s New York City and must build it into a media powerhouse. The core gameplay loop revolves around a weekly cycle where you must gather news, assign reporters, edit stories, and publish the Sunday edition.

❤ Dispatch Reporters to Uncover Stories

To gather news, you must dispatch your reporters across the city and beyond. Each reporter has different specialties, from crime to sports, that influence their effectiveness at uncovering certain story types. You must strategically assign reporters to maximize the quality and relevance of the stories they bring back, balancing factors like reporter skills, story topics, and tight deadlines.

❤ Edit and Arrange the Newspaper

Once you have gathered the stories, you must edit them for quality and format them for publication. This involves sending stories to editors to fix any issues, as well as arranging the layout of the newspaper pages. You must carefully curate the content, deciding which stories to feature prominently and which to bury, in order to satisfy readers and meet the demands of various factions.

❤ Optimize Your Workspace

In addition to news gathering and editing, you must manage the physical workspace of your newspaper operations. This includes placing desks for reporters, editors, and other staff, as well as facilities like printers, telegraph stations, and break rooms. Arranging the office efficiently is crucial, as it impacts employee productivity and morale. You must balance functionality with aesthetics to create an optimal working environment.

❤ Unlock New Capabilities

As you progress, you earn "Influence Points" which can be used to unlock new buildings, upgrades, and other enhancements for your newspaper empire. This creates a satisfying sense of progression, as you are constantly working towards unlocking new capabilities to improve your operation. The unlocks cover a wide range of gameplay elements, from increased story gathering speed to specialized staff roles.

❤ Navigate Faction Relationships

A key aspect of the game is managing relationships with various factions in 1930s New York, including the mafia, the mayor, and high society. These factions offer opportunities and challenges, as you can curry favor with them by tailoring your news coverage. However, catering too much to any one faction's interests can compromise your newspaper's journalistic integrity. Navigating these faction dynamics adds an extra layer of strategic depth to the gameplay.

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