
by Nibb Games, Guimaraf Studio

The Developer Says...

Kinduo is a local cooperative game where two elemental friends overcome obstacles to return to their island, push boxes, use electricity to connect objects, break ice blocks, blow things up and more in this cute and colorful co-op game!

Players Like...

❤ Cooperative Puzzle Solving

Players take control of two elemental friends and must work together to overcome obstacles and make it back to their island. The cooperative nature encourages communication and teamwork to progress through the 30 levels. Many players praise this collaborative approach, noting that it provides a fun and engaging experience.

❤ Variety of Mechanics

The game features over 6 different mechanics that players must utilize, including pushing boxes, using electricity to connect objects, breaking ice blocks, and even blowing things up. These mechanics gradually introduce new challenges over the course of the experience, keeping the gameplay fresh and interesting. Players highlight how the variety of mechanics adds complexity to the puzzles and maintains their engagement.

❤ Puzzle Difficulty

The puzzle difficulty starts out fairly easy, allowing players to get accustomed to the core mechanics. However, the challenge ramps up significantly towards the later stages, requiring more strategic thinking and coordination between players. Several reviewers appreciate this gradual increase in difficulty, stating that it provides a good balance between accessibility and complexity.

❤ Replayability

Some players mention that they enjoyed playing through the experience multiple times, either with a different friend or as the other character, in order to approach the puzzles from a new perspective. The ability to swap between the two characters and utilize their unique abilities adds an element of replayability to the experience.

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