The cataclysmic battle between giant monsters has begun in this manga-inspired, side-scrolling, kaiju beat-'em-up!
Players widely praise the depth and variety of the combat system, which allows for extensive combo building and creative play styles. The game features a range of moves, including basic attacks, special abilities, parries, dodges, and devastating "Cataclysm" finishers. Reviewers note that the combat has a strong sense of "weight" and impact, making the player characters feel like truly massive, powerful kaiju. The ability to cancel moves and extend combos is a key part of the gameplay loop, rewarding skilled players who master the system.
The game features four unique playable characters - Megadon, Ganira, Aegis Prime, and Tempest Galahad - each with their own distinct playstyle and moveset. Reviewers highlight how this variety encourages experimentation and repeat playthroughs, as players explore the strengths and weaknesses of the different characters. Players can further customize their chosen character through a DNA augment system, adding additional strategic depth.
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