Nocturnal: Enhanced Edition

by Sunnyside Games, Dear Villagers

The Developer Says...

Carve your way with fire and steel to find out what secrets lie beyond the Mist in this intense 3-hour-long action-platformer game. Get ready to wield the flames and burn everything!

Players Like...

❤ Platforming Flows with Precision

Players praised the responsive and satisfying platforming, with the protagonist's movements described as smooth and nimble. The tight controls allow for exact jumps, enabling players to navigate the environments with fluidity. One reviewer noted how the platforming "feels incredibly well-made because it's really simple, but each aspect is tailored to perfection."

❤ Mastering the Fiery Sword

At the heart of the gameplay lies the unique fire mechanic. Players wield a sword imbued with flame, which protects them from a deadly mist encroaching the levels. Keeping the blade lit by interacting with torches and fire sources becomes a constant challenge, as the flame gradually extinguishes. Reviewers highlighted how this system cleverly integrates into both the platforming and combat, creating a tactical element around managing the protagonist's fiery sword.

❤ Skill-Based Combat Encounters

The combat received praise for its satisfying feel, with players highlighting the responsive controls and diverse enemy types. While the moveset may be straightforward, the difficulty curve is described as well-balanced, rewarding players who master the mechanics. One reviewer noted how they could "first try" most encounters when focused, but would "die" when not paying attention, creating a satisfying skill-based experience.

❤ Tense and Fair Boss Battles

The boss fights stood out as a particular highlight, with reviewers praising their fair difficulty and ability to test the player's mastery of the game's systems. These confrontations are described as exciting and challenging, requiring players to carefully manage their fire and dodge attacks to emerge victorious. One player stated how the bosses were "amazing" and that they could feasibly complete them "mostly hitless" when playing with focus.

❤ Thoughtful Level Design

Despite the linear progression, the level design received commendation for its clever pacing and integration of the fire mechanics. Players encounter a steady flow of new obstacles and environmental challenges that continuously test their platforming and combat skills. Reviewers noted a sense of discovery and progression as they uncovered the island's secrets, with the levels feeling cohesive and well-crafted.

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