by Lateralis Heavy Industries, Super Rare Originals

The Developer Says...

Enter an inexplicable, abstract mansion to rescue a loved one in this fast-paced, brutal, and dark roguelite filled with precise but savage gunplay and time-bending slow motion. Face your inner demons and unveil the secrets of the Mansion.

Players Like...

❤ Intense, Fast-Paced Gunplay

Players praise the game's intense, fast-paced gunplay that delivers a thrilling, visceral combat experience. Many compare the gameplay to Hotline Miami, noting that it takes the core run-and-gun, top-down shooter formula and injects it with a heightened sense of speed and fluidity. One reviewer describes the experience as a "brutal, dark roguelite filled with precise but savage gunplay."

❤ Focus Mechanic and Slow-Motion

A key mechanic that sets the game apart is the "Focus" ability, which allows players to enter a slow-motion state to more precisely aim and dodge incoming attacks. Reviewers highlight this as a defining feature, noting that it makes the player feel "powerful and in control" during the chaotic combat. The slow-motion enables a heightened sense of skill expression and stylish play.

❤ Combo System and Replayability

The game features a combo system that rewards chaining together rapid kills, providing players with increased currency to spend on powerful upgrades at an in-game bar. This creates a rewarding loop of aggression and momentum, where players are incentivized to play aggressively to maximize their earnings. Along with the randomized room layouts and selection of upgrades, this helps provide a high degree of replayability, as each run can feel quite different based on the player's chosen playstyle and upgrades.

❤ Customization and Progression

Players praise the depth of customization and progression, with an in-game bartender offering a wide variety of unlockable guns and abilities (called "drinks") that can radically alter the player's playstyle and viable strategies. This, combined with the random nature of the upgrades offered, encourages experimentation and a sense of discovery as players uncover new ways to approach the game's challenges.

❤ Challenging but Satisfying Gameplay

While the game is considered challenging, with a steep learning curve, many players find the gameplay to be incredibly satisfying when executed well. The fast-paced, high-stakes combat, combined with the ability to slow down time and chain together stylish kills, creates a sense of empowerment and mastery that resonates with players. Even when facing repeated deaths, the desire to improve and overcome the obstacles keeps players invested in the experience.

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